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Seven Things That Negatively Affect Your CV

Your curriculum vitae (CV) is an important tool for getting hired. It is a reflection of your skills, experience, and personality. A well-written CV can easily help you land an interview, but many job seekers struggle with this document. They may not realize that certain factors negatively impact their CVs.

In this article, we’ll discuss seven things that negatively affect your CV and how to avoid them.

  1. Typos and grammatical errors

One of the most common errors people make is submitting a CV with typos and grammatical errors. These errors undermine your credibility and show that you are not detail-oriented. Employers may toss your CV in the bin or delete it without a second thought. Even one mistake can make a terrible impression.

How to avoid this: It is important to proofread your CV before you send it. Take your time and ask someone to check your work. Ensure that you have spelled everything correctly, used appropriate grammar, and have consistent punctuation.

  1. Outdated information

Your CV should be updated regularly to reflect your skills, experience, and accomplishments. If you have not updated your CV in a while, it may contain outdated information that is no longer relevant to your career goals. Employers want to see what you are currently doing, not what you did five years ago.

How to avoid this: Review your CV regularly and update it every time you achieve a new phase in your career. Tailor your CV to the job you are applying for, emphasizing your achievements that match the job requirements.

  1. Irrelevant and/or lengthy information

Your CV should be concise, factual and direct to the point. Employers may not have the time to sift through pages of irrelevant information or long explanations of irrelevant experiences. Keep in mind that employers want to know quickly if you have the skills and experience required for the job.

How to avoid this: Cut out any irrelevant information in your CV to keep it concise and easier to understand. Go straight to the point, so that in 30 seconds, an employer can easily understand who you are, what you do and what you bring to the table. It is important to tailor your CV to the job requirements.

  1. Lack of achievements and experiences

Employers want to see your achievements and experiences that are relevant to the job you are applying for. If you have few or no achievements in your CV, it may appear to the employer that you lack experience or enthusiasm for your work. This may make them hesitate before calling you for an interview.

How to avoid this: When drafting your CV, highlight your accomplishments that are relevant to the job you are applying for. Use figures and statistics to further emphasize your achievements. Quantify your work achievements in measurable terms such as sales targets, revenue generated, and any special projects you have overseen. You can also include volunteer work if it is relevant.

  1. Not customizing your CV to the job

Sending the same CV to every employer is a common mistake that job seekers make. It may appear easier and faster, but it is a recipe for failure. Hiring managers receive hundreds of applications daily and always look for someone whose CV responds to their needs. A generic CV will make it harder to impress your potential employer and be invited for an interview.

How to avoid this: Take time to research the job requirements and tailor your CV to match the requested skills and experience. Highlight your relevant skills, training, and competencies that relate to the job. You can also mention your career goals and how they align with the company’s mission and vision.

  1. Including inappropriate information

Your CV is not the place to disclose your personal information such as your religion, political affiliation, sexual orientation, or marital status. This kind of information can make an employer feel uncomfortable, and it may undermine your chance to be hired. It is also inappropriate to provide references unless asked by the employer.

How to avoid this: Stick to professional information when writing your CV. Highlight what is important for your job and what you have achieved. If you must include personal information like a hobby or some interests, make sure they are relevant e.g. if you are applying for a job in the sports industry, it is okay to mention that you play football or you are a fitness enthusiast.

  1. Using an unprofessional email address

Your email address can have an impact on your job application. If your email address is unprofessional, the employer may have a negative impression of you and your application. Email addresses that are too casual may appear sketchy or unserious.

How to avoid this: Use a professional email address that includes your full name. If possible, use your work email address or create a new one that is formal and straightforward. Refrain from using nicknames, slang or inappropriate language. It is important to give the impression that you take your job application seriously.


A CV can either make or break your chance to get a job. Therefore, it is important to keep it professional, concise, and up-to-date. Avoid the above-listed mistakes in your CV and tailor it to meet the job requirements. Don’t be afraid to enlist the help of a professional to create a standout CV- it is your ticket to getting the job you want.

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